Send PDF or files download link to subscribers.

There are several ways to send subscribers your PDF/downloadable file including hyperlinking to a hosted URL, attaching the file, sending the PDF/downloadable file as a thank you page, or sending the PDF/downloadable file as the confirmation success page. This article explains each of these steps so you can use the one that best meets your needs.

Hyperlinking The Hosted PDF File

If your PDF/downloadable file is not already hosted online, you can host the PDF/downloadable file on your website or a third party site such as Digioh or Dropbox. Once you have the URL for your PDF/downloadable file, you can write a word/phrase in your message and hyperlink the URL.

Attaching The File

Depending on the size of your PDF/downloadable file, you can attach the file to your message if the size is less than 1MB. If your file is larger than 1MB, you could try compressing the file using a source such as smallpdf. Once the file is less than 1MB, you can attach the file to your message. Please note, the attachment limit is 1MB per message.

If you'd like subscribers immediately directed to the PDF/downloadable file after they sign up on your form, sending them to your custom thank you page can accomplish this. Each AWeber sign up form can use a custom URL for the thank you page. In the thank you page section, add in your custom URL for your PDF/downloadable file.

Sending The PDF/Download As The Confirmation Success Page

If you'd like subscribers immediately directed to the PDF/downloadable file after they confirm your confirmation message for your list, sending them to your confirmation success page can accomplish this. Each AWeber list can have a custom confirmation success page subscribers are directed to after they confirm. In the confirmation success page section, add in your custom URL for your PDF/downloadable file.

Last updated